HyunJu Lee

Certified Personal Medicine Coach

When I first heard about CPMC, I had vague curiosity and expectations. As I started the training, learning about self-management tools and the process of discovering them, as well as the skills required to become a CPMC, I began to think about how to apply this knowledge in practice and directly practiced it, which gave me concrete hope. It is very important to discover that small actions in daily life can improve my life and make it more meaningful, as these are what we call self-management tools. I am delighted to realize the incredible power they hold. Recently, I have found my own self-management tools and I see myself as a professional who introduces these tools to others and discusses them with clients in practice. As a CPMC, I am excited about refining the skills I've learned and growing into a professional who can help clients who are weary and struggling. As a child welfare practitioner, I will help children develop good habits of finding and using their own self-management tools from an early age, so they can grow into healthy adults in both body and mind, even in difficult situations.

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