Monica Dechert, BS, QMHA

Certified Personal Medicine Coach

Certified Personal Medicine Coach Trainer


I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree with major emphasis in psychology from Southern Oregon University and have worked in community behavioral health services as a Qualified Mental Health Associate (QMHA) for nearly two decades. My roles have included work as a Crisis Associate with the Psychiatric Crisis Center (PCC), Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) staff member at the Cottages Program; Community Support Services (CSS) Skills Trainer and Case Manager; Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Intensive Case Manager; IPS Employment and Education Specialist; and most recently as a Statewide Trainer/CPMC Trainer with OSECE and OCEACT. Over the years, I have been privileged to learn from several talented, skilled, and knowledgeable colleagues and to witness the resilience and wonderful recovery journeys of individuals. I became a CPMC in 2022 and a CPMC-T in 2024. I am so excited to be part of sharing the innovative, person-centered approach of Personal Medicine to support all individuals in connecting to their own wisdom and inner healers to be well! My own Personal Medicine includes singing, which helps regulate my breathing and pulls my focus away from anxious feelings. My dog also features heavily in my Personal Medicine because spending time walking, cuddling, and playing with him distracts me from worries, comforts me when I am distressed, and brings joy to my life.


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