Megan Dolbin, CPMC WRAP Facilitator

Psych Rehabilitation Supervisor

Step By Step, Inc.

Certified Personal Medicine Coach

Recently, I learned about the power of Personal Medicine from an email circulating through our company. After talking to current CPMCs and CPMC Trainers I felt the need to look deeper into Personal Medicine. Once I did, I knew I had to become a coach (if not also a trainer), as it not only helped me, help our consumers, but also worked hand in hand with WRAP that I am a facilitator for. Having struggled with anxiety and depression my entire life, I knew there were things that I did to help me get through my struggles and it was nice to finally put a "WORD" to it and that was Personal Medicine. I love Personal Medicine and to know there are other avenues to use, to help the people I not only support at work but at home it absolutely incredible!


50% Complete

Two Step

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