Holistic medicine therapy (Shiatsu, master tapping) Lecturer - bipolar by me. ("enosh" training) Art and jewelry workshop guide Learning about personal medicine, on my lecturer training, was overwelming. Naturaly i used it in my healing process , having bypolar disorder. Pat deegan broght hope, to my vision of mental therapy processes. Training people to listen and reveal their healer whithin. Taking responsibility on what matters to them. Making them leaders in their own path. Letting them dare changing the rules, and not only being told they are ilness. And that their cure , is to shut the simptoms off, no matter what cost. She teaches how to use , what we naturally know. And build trust, whithin ourselves , that we can, and are responsible, to feel and live better meaningfull lives. Proud to bring her voice , to all that whish to make a mental difrance, for themselves and others.
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