"KP" Keirston S. Parham

Recovery and Peer Services Coordinator

Western Psychiatric Hospital (WPH) of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)

Certified Personal Medicine Coach (CPMC)

CPMC Trainer (CPMC-T)

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I head the recovery department and oversee recovery initiatives and peer services for Western Psychiatric Hospital of UPMC in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I provide education and training to hospital and ambulatory staff members on recovery values and principles, integration and utilization of peer specialists, stigma reduction, recovery planning, and the importance of self-care and wellness tools.

I help to recruit peer and recovery specialists to support positive, strength-based, individualized recovery efforts throughout the UPMC system.

I am one of the founding fathers of Peer Navigation, and provide various recovery and peer trainings to UPMC, national conferences, and the community at large. I continue to evaluate recovery services at Western Psychiatric Hospital and seeks opportunities for positive growth and change.

I became a Certified Personal Medicine Coach to help folks manage stress and take steps forward in recovery and away from crisis. personal medicine will also help with recovery planning. I will use this knowledge for self-growth and to train and support the individuals in my organization and community.


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