Jean Terrill, CPRS

Certified Peer Recovery Specialist

WRAP Facilitator

DBSA Facilitator

Certified Personal Medicine Coach

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My name is Jean Terrill and I grew up in Columbus, Ohio. Since 2003 I have lived in Springfield, Virginia with Gary, my husband, Libby, my dog, and my cat Toby. I work as a Peer Support Specialist for Fairfax-Falls Church, CSB. I facilitate several groups for the County; additionally, I am a facilitator of two groups for the Depression Bipolar Support Alliance.

Growing up with my twin sister, my family life was like a battlefield. I gained first-hand knowledge and experience of the potentially dire effects of mental illness, alcohol and drug abuse. Whether it was domestic violence, suicide, suicide attempts, gunfights, police arrests, kidnapping, visits from the police to our home were ongoing occurrences. In spite of my trauma filled upbringing, I had an outstanding 44-year career with the Federal Government, and managed to achieve a successful life. I worked as an Accountant/Auditor and Financial Management Specialist for several agencies, including eight years with the Internal Revenue Service and my last 25 years was with the Department of Defense. After I retired I made a decision to spend the rest of my life helping people. My main objective is to help others achieve a more fulfilling life despite their obstacles.

I have done volunteer work in my community my entire adult life. My self-esteem stems from helping others. I presently serve as secretary to two non-profits boards of directors. I am also on my churchā€™s Hospitality Committee and Missions Team. In 2018, I went on a mission trip to El Salvador where I taught children nutrition, good hygiene and Bible stories. I have volunteered for Carpenterā€™s Shelter in Alexandria since 2008 because of the soft spot I have in my heart for the homeless. I recently applied to Volunteer Fairfax, a County-sponsored program, to assist older adults in my community.

I became a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist in 2016. I later became a WRAP Facilitator, and now I am very excited to be a Certified Personal Medicine Coach.

I am extremely dedicated and absolutely loyal to those whom I serve. I take pride in my personal abilities and accomplishments. I endeavor to show respect for my peers and clients. I feel that I provide selfless service while exhibiting sound judgment and discipline. I always strive to give frank and honest advice. I am looking forward to this journey with all of you, and hope to use this experience to improve my goal of helping others.


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