I find imagery and metaphor evocative.
Imagery and metaphor can reach out to touch readers in their minds and hearts. In my writing, I search for the elements of my experience that have universal resonance and that my readers will recognize as both familiar and new.
Below is a listing of media appearances, outcomes & research, publications, and newsletters.

The Me You Can't See
Pat sat down with Oprah and Prince Harry to discuss mental health recovery.

Anderson Cooper
Anderson Cooper tried Pat's Hearing Distressing Voices Simulation. Pat and Anderson chatted about his experience.

Psychiatric Services: Podcast
Pat joined Lisa Dixon, MD to discuss Pat's publication: The Journey To Use Medications Optimally to Support Recovery.

Unapologetically Black Unicorns
Pat sat down with Keris Jän Myrick on her Podcase Unapologetically Black Unicorns to discuss how Representation and Intentions Matter.

True Psychiatry with Dr. Nardi
Pat sat down with Dr. Nardi on his podcast to discuss the recovery approach and its contrast to the maintenance model and symptom suppression.

Champions of Resilience
Pat sat down with Amy Gamble to share a bit of her story from diagnosis to recovery. She reminds us that recovery is an evolution, not a revolution.

Viva la Evolution
Pat sat down with Lori Ashcraft to share a bit of her own recovery story and how Personal Medicine can help.
Outcomes and Research
CommonGround Software helps increase engagement and activation, reduce emergency department visits and hospitalizations, increase medication adherence, and improve satisfaction with care.
The Hearing Voices Simulation is a groundbreaking, empathy-building experience that helps students, mental health professionals, and first responders understand the challenges and strengths of people who experience psychosis.
Personal Medicine supports recovery-oriented practice, is evidence-based, and has been shown to increase activation, leading to more robust health outcomes. The practice of Personal Medicine meets SAMHSA’s criteria for recovery-based practice and the core competencies of peer support.
Deegan, P. E., Stiles, A., Rufo, M., & Zisman-Ilani, Y. (2024). Awakening on antipsychotic medication: A call to action. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/prj0000608
Zisman-Ilani Y, Parker M, Thomas EC, Suarez J, Hurford I, Bowen A, Calkins M, Deegan PE, Nossel I, Dixon LB (2024). Usability and Feasibility of Antipsychotic Medication Decision Aid (APM-DA) in a First Episode Psychosis Community Program, Psychiatric Services, https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ps.20230230.
Deegan PE, Stiles A, Rufo M, Zinsman-Ilani Y. Awakening on Antipsychotic Medicine: A call to action. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal (in press).
Fortuna, K. L., Lebby, S., Geiger, P., Johnson, D., MacDonald, S., Chefetz, I., Ferron, J. C., St George, L., Rossom, R., Kalisa, J., Mestrovic, T., Nicholson, J., Pringle, W., Rotondi, A. J., Sippel, L. M., Sica, A., Solesio, M. E., Wright, M., Zisman-Ilani, Y., Gambee, D., … Walker, R. (2023). Lived Experience-Led Research Agenda to Address Early Death in People With a Diagnosis of a Serious Mental Illness: A Consensus Statement. JAMA network open, 6(5), e2315479. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.15479
Deegan, PE (2022). I am a person, not an illness, Schizophrenia Research, 244, 74.
MacDonald-Wilson, K. L., Williams, K., Nikolajski, C. E., McHugo, G., Kang., C., Deegan, P., Carpenter-Song, E., & Kogan, J. N. (2021). Promoting collaborative decision making in community mental health centers: Insights from a patient-centered comparative effectiveness trial. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 44(1), 11-21. https://doi.org/10.1037/prj0000455.
Carpenter- Song, E., & Kogan, J. N. (2020, October 29). Promoting Collaborative Psychiatric Care Decision- Making in Community Mental Health Centers: Insights From a Patient-Centered Comparative Effectiveness Trial. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. Advance online publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/prj0000455
Deegan, PE (2020). Guarigione, riabilitazione e la Cospirazione della Speranza. In La Practica Quotidiana Della Speranza, Giuseppe Tibaldi (Ed.), Mimesis.
Deegan, PE (2020). Prescribing hope for recovery. Psychiatric Times, 37:6, 12-13.
Deegan, PE (2020). The Journey to Use Medication Optimally to Support Recovery. Psychiatric Services in Advance https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ps.201900506.
Fortuna, KL, Naslund, JA, LaCroix, JM, Bianco, CL, Brooks, JM, Zisman-Ilani, Y, PhD, Muralidharan, A, Deegan, PE. [in press]. Systematic Review of Peer-Supported Digital Mental Health Interventions for People with a Lived Experience of a Serious Mental Illness. JMIR: Mental Health (in press).
Fortuna, KL, Walker, R, Fisher, D, Mois, G, Allan, S, & Deegan, PE (2019). Enhancing Digital Mental Health Standards and Principles with Recovery-Focused Guidelines for Mobile, Online, and Remote Monitoring Technologies. Psychiatric Services, 70:12, 1080-1081.
Fortuna, KL, Ferron, J, Pratt, SI, Muralidharan, A, Williams, AM, Aschbrenner, KA, Deegan, PE, & Salzer, M. (2019). Unmet needs of people with serious mental illness: Perspectives from certified peer specialists. Psychiatric Quarterly, 90(2).
Yaara Zisman-Ilani, David Shern, Patricia Deegan, Julie Kreyenbuhl, Lisa Dixon, Robert Drake, William Torrey, Manish Mishra, Ksenia Gorbenko, Glyn Elwyn (2018). Continue, adjust, or stop antipsychotic medication: developing and user testing an encounter decision aid for people with first-episode and long-term psychosis. BMC Psychiatry, 18(1):142.
Deegan PE, Carpenter-Song E, Drake RE, Naslund JA, Luciano A, Hutchison SL (2017). Enhancing Clients’ Communication Regarding Goals for Using Psychiatric Medications. Psychiatric Services, 68:8, 771-775.
Kim L. MacDonald-Wilson, Shari L. Hutchison, Irina Karpov, Paul Wittman, Patricia E. Deegan (2016). A successful implementation strategy to support adoption of decision making in mental health services. Community Mental Health Journal, June 4.
Drake RE, Noel VA, Deegan PE (2015). Measuring recovery as an outcome. Die Psychiatrie, 12 3: 174-179.
Shari L Hutchison, Irina Karpov, Pat E Deegan, Kim L MacDonald-Wilson, James M Schuster: Adoption of strategies to improve decision support in community mental health centers. Implementation Science 2015 10(Suppl 1):A27.
MacDonald-Wilson KL, Deegan PE, Hutchison HL, Parrotta N, Schuster JM (2013). Integrating self-management strategies into mental health service delivery: Empowering people in recovery. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 36,4 258-263.
Deegan, P.E. (2010). A description of a web application to support shared decision making. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 34(1):23-8.
Drake, R.E., Deegan, P.E., & Rapp, C. (2010). The promise of shared decision making in mental health. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 34(1):7–13.
Drake, R.E., Deegan, P.E., Woltmann, E., Haslett, W., Drake, T., & Rapp, C. (2010). Comprehensive electronic decision support systems. Psychiatric Services, 61:714–717.
Drake, R.E. & Deegan, P.E. (2009). Shared decision making: Whose decision? (In Reply) Psychiatric Services, 60, 1555–1556.
Drake, R.E. & Deegan, P.E. (2009). Shared decision making is an ethical imperative (Taking Issue). Psychiatric Services, 60, 1007.
Hamilton Wilson JE, Azzopardi W, Sager S, Gould B, Conroy S, Deegan PE, Archie S (2009). A narrative study of the experiences of student nurse who have participated in the hearing voices that are distressing simulation. International Journal of Nurse Education Scholarship., Epub June 8, doi:10.2202/1548-923X.
Deegan, P.E., Rapp, C., Holter, M. & Riefer, M. (2008). A program to support shared decision making in an outpatient psychiatric medication clinic. Psychiatric Services, 59, 603–605.
Drake, R.E. & Deegan, P.E. (2008). Are assertive community treatment and recovery compatible? Commentary on "ACT and recovery: integrating evidence-based practice and recovery orientation on assertive community treatment teams". Community Mental Health Journal. Feb; 44(1):75-7.
Deegan, P.E. (2007). The lived experience of using psychiatric medicine in the recovery process and a shared decision making program to support it. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 31, 62–69.
Deegan, P.E. & Drake, R.E. (2007). Shared decision-making: In reply. Psychiatric Services, 58, 1, 140.
Deegan, P.E. & Drake, R.E. (2006). Shared decision-making and medication management in the recovery process. Psychiatric Services, 57, 11, 1636–1639.
Deegan, P.E. (2005). The importance of personal medicine: A qualitative study of resilience in people with psychiatric disabilities. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 33, 29–35.
Deegan, P.E. (2005). Recovery as a journey of the heart. In L. Davidson, C Harding & L Spaniol (Eds.), Recovery from severe mental illnesses: Research Evidence and Implications, Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University: Boston MA. p. 57–68.
Deegan, P.E. (2004). Rethinking Rehabilitation: Freedom. Study of Current Rehabilitation, 121, 12, 5–10.
Deegan, P.E. (2002). The Independent Living Movement and People With Psychiatric Disabilities: Taking Back Control Over Our Own Lives. In J. van Weeghel (Ed.), Community Care and Psychiatric Rehabilitation for Persons With Severe Mental Illness.Geneva Initiative on Psychiatry: Hilversum (The Netherlands), 115–124.
Deegan, P.E. (2001). Recovery as a self-directed process of healing and transformation. In C. Brown (Ed.) Recovery and wellness: Models of hope and empowerment for people with mental illness, Haworth Press: New York, p. 5–21.
Deegan, P.E. (2001). Insane sisters. [Review of the book Insane sisters: Or the price paid for challenging a company town]. Psychiatric Services, 52, 12, 1661.
Deegan, P.E. (2001). Recovery as a Self-Directed Process of Healing and Transformation. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: A Journal of Psychosocial Practice & Research, 17, 5–21.
Deegan, P.E. (1999). Human Sexuality and Mental Illness: Recovery Principles and Consumer Viewpoints. Sexuality and serious mental illness, (P.F. Buckley Ed.). Harwood Academic Publishers, 21–33.
Fisher, D. & Deegan, P.E. (1999). Final report of research on recovery from mental illness. Lawrence, MA: National Empowerment Center and the Center for Mental Health Services.
Deegan, P.E. (1998). "The evolution of my work as a psychologist." The Journal of the California Alliance for the Mentally Ill. 9:1, p. 19–21.
Deegan, P.E. (1997). "Recovery and empowerment for people with psychiatric disabilities". In U. Aviram (Ed.), Social Work In Mental Health: Issues and Trends. The Haworth Press, NY, p. 11–24.
Deegan, P.E. (1997). "Recovery and empowerment for people with psychiatric disabilities". Social Work in Health Care, 25, 3, p. 11–24.
Deegan, P.E. (1997). (1) Recovery as a Journey of the Heart. (2) Recovery the Lived Experience of Rehabilitation. (3) Spirit Breaking: When the Helping Professions hurt. (4) The Independent Living Movement and People with Psychiatric Disabilities: Taking control back over our own lives. In L. Spaniol, C. Gagne & M. Koehler (Eds.), Psychological and Social Aspects of Psychiatric Disability. Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215.
Deegan, P.E. (1996). A letter to my friend who is giving up. The Journal of the California Alliance for the Mentally Ill, Vol. 5, No. 3.
Deegan, P.E. (1996). Consumer-Provider Perspective: Blending two realities into a unique perspective. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, 34 (9) 39–46.
Deegan, P.E. (1996). Recovery as a Journey of the Heart. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 19, 3, p. 91–97.
Deegan, P.E. (1996). The sea rose: Recovering from mental illness. There's a Person in Here: Contemporary themes in mental health services, The Mental Health Services Conference Inc. of Australia and New Zealand: Ian Liddell Pty Limited, p. xvi–xxiv.
Deegan, P.E. (1994). Recovery: The lived experience of rehabilitation. In L. Spaniol & M. Koehler (Eds.), The Experience of Recovery, (pp. 54–59). Boston University, Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.
Deegan, P.E. (1994). The Independent Living Movement and people with psychiatric disabilities: Taking control back over our own lives. In L. Spaniol et. al. (Eds.) An Introduction to Psychiatric Rehabilitation (p. 121–134). International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services / Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.
Deegan, P.E. (1994). Recovery: The lived experience of rehabilitation (p. 149–161). In W. Anthony & L. Spaniol (Eds). Reading in Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.
Deegan, P.E. (1993). Recovering our sense of value after being labeled mentally ill. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services. 31, 4, p. 7–11.
Deegan P.E. & Shaw, J. (1993). A Technical Assistance Guide to Planning a Barrier-Free, Consumer-Run and Consumer-Controlled conference. Available through the National Empowerment Center, 20 Ballard Road, Lawrence, MA, USA 01843.
Deegan, P.E. (1992). The Independent Living Movement and people with psychiatric disabilities: Taking control back over our own lives. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 15, p. 3–19.
Deegan, P.E. (1991). Recovery: The lived experience of rehabilitation. In R.P. Marinelli and A. E. Dell Orto (Eds.), The Psychological & Social Impact of Disability (p. 47–54). New York, Springer.
Deegan, P.E. (1990). Spirit Breaking: When the helping professions hurt. The Humanistic Psychologist, 18, 3, 301–313.
Deegan, P.E. (1988). Recovery: The lived experience of rehabilitation. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 9, 4, 11-19.
Deegan, P.E. (1984). An empirical phenomenological investigation of the use of diazepam in an effort to transform being anxious. Dissertation, Duquesne University/Pittsburgh, PA.
Deegan, P.E. (1983). I promised you a rose garden but I'm taking it back: Reflection on the therapeutic relationship. Duquesne Universal Student Manuscripts, Vol. II, Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press.
Deegan, P.E. (1982). An empirical phenomenological investigation of failing to learn. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, Spring.
Newsletter Articles
Deegan, P.E. (2010). Spirituality and Personal Medicine. Community Care Behavioral Health Recovery Learning Collaborative Newsletter Vol. 2.
Deegan, P.E. (2010). Personal Medicine and the Healer Within. Community Care Behavioral Health Recovery Learning Collaborative Newsletter Vol. 3.
Deegan, P.E. (2010). Personal Medicine: Just Do It? Community Care Behavioral Health Recovery Learning Collaborative Newsletter Vol. 4.
Deegan, P.E. (2010). Personal Medicine in the Psychiatric Medication Appointment. Community Care Behavioral Health Recovery Learning Collaborative Newsletter Vol. 5.
Deegan, P.E. (2010). Keep Personal Medicine Fresh and Vital. Community Care Behavioral Health Recovery Learning Collaborative Newsletter Vol. 6.
Deegan, P. E. (1999). RLC Issue 2: Spirituality and Personal Medicine your power during medication appointments with your psychiatrist. National Empowerment Center Inc. Newsletter, Spring. Also in a brochure and Polish
Deegan, P.E. (1999). Deadly restraint: Reform or abolish? National Empowerment Center Inc. Newsletter, Spring.
Deegan, P.E. (1998). Tardive dyskinesia and tardive dystonia: where you can turn for help. National Empowerment Center Inc. Newsletter, Spring/Summer.
Deegan, P.E. (1998). Georgia consumer activists restore cemetery at Central State Hospital. National Empowerment Center Inc. Newsletter, Spring/Summer.
Deegan, P.E. (1997). Listening to consumer/survivors from the deaf community. National Empowerment Center Inc. Newsletter, Spring/Fall.
Deegan, P.E. Afraid of the dentist?
Deegan, P.E. (1996). What is psychiatric malpractice? National Empowerment Center Inc. Newsletter, Summer.
Deegan, P.E. (1996). Personal Care Attendant Services for people with psychiatric disabilities. National Empowerment Center Inc. Newsletter, Fall/Winter
Deegan, P.E. (1995). Service dogs help people get back out into the community. National Empowerment Center Inc. Newsletter, Fall/Winter
Deegan, P.E. (1995). Hearing voices that are distressing: self help resources and strategies. National Empowerment Center Inc. Newsletter, Spring/Summer. Also in Spanish and Icelandic. Also available, Part II
Translated Publications
If you know where to find these online, please let me know.
Deegan, P.E. (2005). Gesundung und die Verschwörung im Geiste der Hoffnung (German)
Deegan, P.E. (2005) Reclaiming Your Power During Medication Appointments With a Psychiatrist (Att bruka mediciner i sin återhämtning) (Swedish).
Deegan, P.E. (2005). Reclaiming Your Power During Medication Appointments With a Psychiatrist. RAC, No.2. (Japanese)
Anderson, D., Deegan, P.E. (2005). Intet o moss uten oss: Brukerdeltakelse I styrer og utvalg innen psykisk helse. Dialog. Nr. 2 September 2005. (Norwegian)
Deegan, P.E. (2004). Rethinking Rehabilitation: ma bety frihet! Respekt, Utgave 3, 24–28. (Norwegian)
Deegan, P.E. (2004). Frihed: At overveje rehabilitering pa ny. Bedre Psychiatri, (3), 12–15. (Norwegian).
Deegan, P.E. (2004). Herstel als reis van het hart. Klank Spiegel, June #2. 3–11. (Dutch)
Deegan, P.E. (2001). Att bruka mediciner i sin återhämtning. Stockholm:RSMH, SPO; Södra.
Deegan, P.E. (2001). Recuperacão Como Uma Viagem Do Coracão. 1–9. (Portuguese).
Deegan, P.E. (2000). "Havordan vine tilbake egenverdet etter a ha fatt en diagnose?" Dialog, 2-3, p. 96–103.
Deegan, P.E. (1997). Veien Tilbake en Rehabiliteringshistorie. Ergoterapeuten, 2, p. 8–11. (Norwegian)
Deegan, P.E. (1997). Recuperacion: un camino del corazon. Grupo de la Esperanza, Montevideo Uruguay. (Spanish)
Deegan, P.E. (1995). Escuchando voces que deprimen: Recursos y Estrategias para ayudarse asi mismo. National Empowerment Center Inc. Newsletter Fall/Winter p. 2–14. (Spanish)
Deegan, P.E. (1995). Herstellen van een psychiatrische diagnose. Deviant: Tijdschrift tussen psychiatrie en maatschappij, 2, p.18–22. (Dutch)
Deegan, P.E. (1993). Le processus de "retablisement": un prerequis pour la readaption. le Partenaire: Bulletin de l'associaton Quebecoise pour la readaptation psychosociale, 2, p. 2–6. (French)
Deegan, P.E. (1988). Le retablissement: L'experience vecue de la rehabilitation, (Trans. Patrick Le Cardinal, 2016).