Missy Rufo, MS, CPRP

Director of Coaching and E-Learning

Pat Deegan PhD & Associates, LLC

Certified Personal Medicine Coach (CPMC)

CPMC Trainer (CPMC-T)

Contact Me Facebook

Back in 2007, I learned about the power of Personal Medicine at a conference and I was hooked. I felt the need to instantly incorporate it into my work at a psych rehab program. Once I did, I learned so much about the people I was serving and began to see them grow in their confidence and start taking more steps forward. Having struggled with anxiety my entire life, I knew there were things that I did to help me get through hard times. When I learned that those things were Personal Medicine, it drove me to work even harder to help others find their healer within. I love the work we do here at PDA. There is a better way to provide mental health services and it begins with the person we serve and meeting them where they are at. That is my passion and what drives me to do the work I do here. 


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