Making a Difference
Mar 20, 2015
Here at Pat Deegan & Associates, we work really hard to create materials that inspire hope for wellness and recovery. Despite our efforts and those of so many others, the mental health system is slow to change. Sometimes it feels like a slog and it can be hard to keep our spirits up. But then, inevitably, we get a message from our users about how folks are helped by the CommonGround Program. Our batteries instantly recharge, our hearts soar and we approach our work with renewed energy and vision. Here's one of the messages that has made my day:
We wanted to share with you some very positive, touching feedback one of our agency's case managers received this week. While meeting with a consumer, the case manager spent some time with him reviewing his Personal Medicine and reviewing how to find information in the library. The case manager watched a video with the consumer that featured an individual with the same diagnosis. The consumer became tearful and stated that he related to the individual on the video. After talking with the case manager about how people in recovery from mental illness can feel alone and not understood, he reported that he now knows he is not alone and he feels that if individuals such as the one in the video can overcome their illness, he can do so to. The case manager, case management director and I wanted to share this with you. Thank you for all of your hard work in making these resources and videos available to help inspire hope in those we work with.